PET DEPOT Veterinary Group performs an array of day to day services including annual physical examinations, vaccines, new puppy treatments, and much more.
No matter what your pet’s health and wellness needs may be, we’re here to help. Whether it’s something as simple as a routine examination and wellness check or something as serious as a major surgical procedure, we have the resources you need. PET DEPOT Veterinary Group is available Monday through Saturday servicing La Verne, Claremont, Rancho Cucamonga and the surrounding areas for the following services:
- Wellness Exams & Consultations
- Routine Vaccinations
- Internal Medicine
- Abdominal Ultrasound
- Parasite Control and Prevention
- Prescription Pet Food
- Spay & Neuter
- X-Rays
- Microchip Services
- Laser Therapy
- Wart/Mass Removals
- Dental Cleaning & Extractions
- Dermatology Services
- Pet Euthanasia
Physical Exams and Vaccinations
Regular wellness exams are a great way to stay up-to-date on your pet’s health, as well as receive recommendations from your vet on steps you can take to help your pet lead a happier and healthier life. Physical exams are just one of the many services our veterinary hospital is able to offer. For most pets, one wellness exam per year is ideal. However, for senior pet care, twice-annual visits may be recommended. If your pet is in need of vaccinations or immunizations, we can perform those as well.
Parasite Control, Heartworm, Etc.
Protecting your pets from parasites, heartworm, fleas, ticks, and other pests is a must. This is where we come in. We take care of it in a matter of minutes. If you’re not sure what kind of prevention medications will be best for your pet, we would also be happy to make a recommendation for you.
Microchipping is a great technology that can help you retrieve your pet in the event that it escapes from your home or otherwise gets lost. A small microchip containing your personal contract information can be quickly and painlessly embedded into your pet’s skin (usually around the scruff of the neck). From there, if your pet is found without any tags or ID, a chip scanner can be used to obtain your contact information and ultimately, to reunite you with your pet. This is another service we offer for your convenience.
Laser therapy is on the leading edge of veterinary medicine, helping pets feel better and heal at the speed of light. Click here to learn more!
Making the decision to have your pet put to sleep is never easy, but when your pet’s quality of life has deteriorated as a result of an injury or medical condition, this can sometimes be the best choice. Make the process easier on both you and your pet by having euthanasia performed by our caring and compassionate staff.
And Additional Procedures
Our team offers a variety of other services. The same goes for more involved medical care, such as spay and neuter procedures and other surgeries.
We offer many more services, please call if you don’t see what you’re looking for here. When it comes to your pet’s health, don’t settle for anything less than the best. Contact PET DEPOT Veterinary Group today at 909-392-7799 to schedule your appointment. We look forward to serving you and putting our expertise to work in improving your pet’s health and happiness.
We proudly offer and carry prescription canine and feline diets.
If we do not have a particular diet on our shelf we are always happy to special order the food in.
PET DEPOT Veterinary Group performs an array of day to day services including annual physical examinations, vaccines, new puppy treatments, and much more.
- Wellness Exams & Consultations
- Routine Vaccinations
- Internal Medicine
- Abdominal Ultrasound
- Parasite Control and Prevention
- Prescription Pet Food
- Spay & Neuter
- X-Rays
- Microchip Services
- Laser Therapy
- Wart/Mass Removals
- Dental Cleaning & Extractions
- Dermatology Services
- Pet Euthanasia